Πέμπτη 15 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Oscar Nominations 2015 - Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Weird Thumbs

Thumbs Up

  • Julianne Moore, I would nominate you for the "Maps to the stars", too. I would give you an Oscar, even if you farted.
  • Laura Dern in the best supporting actress category. Jessica Chastain and Rene Russo, feel free to cry.
  • Marion Cotillard in the best actress category. Like it was supposed to be, duh.
  • 2 nominations for Alexandre Desplat. That's more than fair.
  • "Ida". No comments.
  • "Whiplash", thank you for drumming.
  • Benedict Cumberbatch for just being you.
  • Wes Anderson, you deserve every single award.
  • Wait... Richard Linklater, you deserve them too. So half-half?
  • "The Tale of the Princess Kaguya". The Academy Awards love Japanese animated films.
  • "Wild Tales" in the best foreign film category.
  • "Lost stars" from "Begin Again" is actually a sign that some people appreciated this smart film.
  • Dan Gilroy for the screenplay of "Nightcrawler". Smart choice for not nominating Jake Gyllenhaal.

Thumbs Down

  • "Selma". The only film to be nominated in the best picture category, along with the best song category. Only.
  • "Force Majeure" not being nominated in the best foreign film category. 
  • "The Lego Movie" only being nominated for the song of the year, "Everything is awesome".
  • Tilda Swinton not being nominated for any category this year ("Snowpiercer", "Only lovers left alive").
  • Jake Gyllenhaal, where are you for the "Nightcrawler"?
  • Bill Murray, you should be the winner.
  • "Gone Girl", an epic fail. Gillian Flynn, you are still brilliant.
  • "Pride" should be a major nominee.
  • Nolan, may the force be with you. Shame on them.
  • "Under the skin" by Jonathan Glazer. Epic Fail.
  • I got my hopes up for Tom Hardy and "Locke". I get it though.
  • I also got my hopes up for "Frank". That, I don't get it.

Weird Thumbs

  • Bradley Cooper in the best actor category? Really? Nominated three years in a row for an Oscar?
  • Ava DuVernay for "Selma". She could have written history, but she didn't. They didn't let that happen.
  • Jennifer Aniston still cannot prove she is a good actress for "Cake".
  • Amy Adams, next year is gonna be yours, no worries. Lana Del Rey, yours too. Tim Burton, yours... never, I guess.
  • Emily Blunt, someday you will take what you deserve (maybe a nomination).
  • "Everything is awesome" for best song is probably the biggest troll in the Oscar history.
  • "American Sniper", the last-minute call. Who would have known?
  • Paul Thomas Anderson's nomination in the adapted screenplay category for "Inherent Vice". Not bad, just weird.
The nominations are here: http://oscar.go.com/nominees  

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